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Christmas is right around the corner. All of a sudden, parents are in the middle of gift shopping, wrapping and prepping the kids for their Kindergarten Christmas party presentation with all the costume and props.

Kids like to sing simple and easy to verbalize songs with lively tunes. Better choices are songs that have two stanzas at the most and a chorus. It would be a better option to divide them into groups singing one stanza per group and doing the chorus together. Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and The Christmas Alphabet are good examples of Kindergarten Charismas songs. You can create your own Christmas songs for the kids like Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star. A brilliant idea is to replace the lyrics of the songs they already know with simple words that signifies Christmas.

To spark things up, add simple actions like hand and body movements. In teaching action steps, try to make them effortless to the kids and easy to memorize, too.  Remember, let them have fun.