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Almost every hero has got to have a sidekick.  For The Green Hornet, there’s Kato.

 Kato was the Japanese (as far as the 1936 radio program premieres went, that was his nationality) man whom Britt Reid saved in one of his Orient travels.  In the 2011 movie though, his character, who was originally created by Fran Striker, told Reid that Shanghai was his city of birth.

 Indebted to Reid, he offered his services to him.  He served as Reid’s valet, assistant and friend.  When Reid was in his Green Hornet character, Kato had an all-around persona, too: chauffeur, sidekick, bodyguard, racketeer, confidant, and crime-solving partner.

 He wore an old-fashioned chauffeur’s hat, a mask that was similar to The Green Hornet’s, buttoned jacket, black leather gloves, pants, and tie-up shoes.

He was an indispensable partner for The Green Hornet since he possessed a number of skills.  He had demonstrated his abilities as driver, fighter, mechanic or automotive-engineering expert, and master martial artist.  His genius was emphasized by his three creations: the Black Beauty (their exceptional automobile), the Green Hornet’s gun and sleeping gas.